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Fig. 1 | Breast Cancer Research

Fig. 1

From: Infiltrating myeloid cell diversity determines oncological characteristics and clinical outcomes in breast cancer

Fig. 1

A Projection of different subgroups of breast cancer infiltrating myeloid cells in 2-dimensional UMAP space (axes represent dimensions, colors represent different cell subgroups). B Dot-plot of representative marker genes of each myeloid subgroup (y axis represents cell subgroups, x axis represents different genes, colors represent the average expression level of each gene, dot-size represents the expression percentage in each cell subtype). C Heatmap of single-sample gene set enrichment analysis (ssGSEA) score of major myeloid pathways in each subgroup (y axis represents the different pathways with breaks for major pathway types, x axis represents different cell subgroups, colors represent the enrichment scores (Red: high score; Blue: Low score)). D Interaction intensities between each myeloid subgroup as measured by interacting receptor pairs (y axis represents the receiver (target) of interactions, x axis represents the donor (source) of interactions). E Graph-based arrangement of different myeloid subgroups according to their interacting centricity (colors represent different cell subtypes, line weight represents the intensity of interactions)

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