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Fig. 1 | Breast Cancer Research

Fig. 1

From: Non-BRCA1/BRCA2 high-risk familial breast cancers are not associated with a high prevalence of BRCAness

Fig. 1

Unsupervised hierarchical clustering based on proportions of mutational signatures in each tumour. a Unsupervised hierarchical clustering on substitution and rearrangement signatures revealing four main clusters. b Clinical and mutational annotation for each sample. c Heatmap of the normalised contribution of substitution and rearrangement signatures identified in the cohort. d BRCAness predictions: HRDetect prediction score (scores above 0.7 considered BRCAness) and RNA classifier predictions. e Somatic substitution and indel driver mutations are present in more than three samples. f Tumour mutational burden of somatic mutations per Mb in the coding region. g Number of substitutions fitted to mutational signatures for each tumour. h Number of rearrangements fitted to mutational signatures for each tumour

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