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Fig. 3 | Breast Cancer Research

Fig. 3

From: Phosphoproteomics reveals network rewiring to a pro-adhesion state in annexin-1-deficient mammary epithelial cells

Fig. 3

Comparative analysis of regulated proteins and phosphoproteins in annexin-1 (ANXA1)-deficient mammary epithelial cells. a Component enrichment of proteins that were categorized into those that demonstrated high protein and phosphosite abundance, high phosphosite abundance with no changes in protein level, low phosphosite abundance with no changes in protein level, and low phosphosite and protein abundance. The cellular localization significantly enriched in at least one of the four groups is depicted on the heatmap. High (pink) and low (blue) in the heat map represent statistical over-representation or under-representation, respectively. b Gene set enrichment analysis of pathways and biological processes performed individually for altered proteins and phosphoproteins that were overlaid together as an enrichment map. Functions significantly (p value <0.01) enriched in upregulated and downregulated proteins are represented by red and blue nodes, respectively. Processes involving phosphoproteins with increased or decreased site abundances are depicted as red and blue borders around the nodes. Those processes that are characterized only by phosphosite changes have blue edges while the pathways and processes that are commonly enriched in both have green edges

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