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Fig. 7 | Breast Cancer Research

Fig. 7

From: Mammographically dense human breast tissue stimulates progression to invasive lesions and metastasis

Fig. 7

Heat map of metastasis profile for each woman. The degree of metastasis is depicted using filled blue squares to denote metastasis-positive organs, and the level of metastatic burden is shown using the colour code shown. Patients 1–10 are shown in rows. For each woman, four mice were implanted with DCIS alone, four with DICS + HMD and four with DCIS + LMD. The grouped columns represent the types of cells implanted, and the sub-columns represent the site of metastatic burden. The numbers in boldface type at the beginning of each row represent the chamber explant weight to show the correlation between chamber weight and metastasis. Inside each bar, the luciferase levels in photons per second are indicated

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