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Figure 5 | Breast Cancer Research

Figure 5

From: Progesterone receptor activation downregulates GATA3 by transcriptional repression and increased protein turnover promoting breast tumor growth

Figure 5

GATA3 downregulation is required for progestin-induced cell proliferation and increased cyclin A2 levels. A) T47D cells were transfected with the indicated vectors for 48 hours and cell proliferation was measured as described in the Methods section. Not significant (NS), (***P <0.001, one-way ANOVA). B) Cells were treated with MPA for the indicated times, protein lysates were prepared and immunoblotted for the indicated proteins. The densitometry values were obtained by normalizing cyclin A to GAPDH protein bands and setting the value of untreated cells as 1.0. C) Cells were transfected with the indicated vectors for 48 hours, starved for 24 hours and treated as indicated. Protein lysates were prepared and immunoblotted for the indicated proteins. Bands were quantified as described for panel B. ANOVA, analysis of variance; MPA, medroxyprogesterone acetate.

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