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Submitting articles online to Breast Cancer Research

We are now inviting all authors who want to submit a paper to Breast Cancer Research to do so via our newly designed online submission system at

The new submission system is the place where authors deposit their manuscripts and editors go to read them and record decisions. It is also the first stage towards the creation of an online peer review system where invited reviewers will be able to access the site to see the relevant paper. The system is secure and protected by passwords, so that authors see only their own papers and reviewers will see only those they are meant to.

Anyone with an Internet connection and a web browser can use the system.

The system provides all our instructions for authors and allows authors to suggest reviewers for their paper. At any point during the process until the 'submit' button has been pressed, authors can go back to an earlier stage to change information; or they can interrupt the process, and their details and uploaded files will be stored to be picked up later. Once the submission is complete, authors get an immediate acknowledgement that their submission has been received. Authors can watch the progress of their manuscripts on their personal 'my manuscripts' page where they will be listed under 'submitted', 'accepted', or 'rejected' according to their current stage, and where updated or revised versions can be uploaded.

The system itself offers extensive help and the Breast Cancer Research Editorial Office is happy to help authors if they get stuck.

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Schnelle, C., Scott, E. & Ponder, B.A. Submitting articles online to Breast Cancer Research . Breast Cancer Res 5, E9 (2003).

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