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Table 3 Characteristics of studies examining the effect of psychological intervention on breast cancer survival

From: The effect of psychosocial factors on breast cancer outcome: a systematic review



Type of study

Study population

Aim of the study

Spiegel et al. 1989 [35]

California, USA


86 women with metastatic carcinoma of the breast. Intervention group: 50 patients. Control group: 36 patients

Examination of the effect of psychosocial intervention on survival of patients with metastatic breast cancer

Gellert et al. 1993 [36]

New Haven, Connecticut, USA

Retrospective cohort study

102 non-participants and 34 participants in the psychological support program were matched on major prognostic factors. Both groups were monitored from the day of cancer diagnosis (1971 through 1980) until March 1991

Examination of the effect of a psychosocial intervention on breast cancer survival

Cunningham et al. 1998 [37]

Princess Margaret Hospital, Toronto, Canada

Prospective case control study

Intervention group: 30 patients with metastatic breast cancer. Control group: 36 patients with metastatic breast cancer

Examination of the effect of a psychological intervention on breast cancer survival

Edelman et al. 1999 [38]


Prospective case control study

121 patients with metastatic breast cancer, of whom 60 participated in the cognitive behavioural therapy program (therapy group) and 61 did not (control group

Examination of the effect of a psychological intervention on breast cancer survival

Shrock et al. 1999 [39]

Two rural hospitals or cancer centres in Pennsylvania

Matched case control

Intervention group: 21 patients with stage I breast cancer. Control group: 74 patients with stage I breast cancer

Examination of the effect of a psychological intervention on breast cancer survival

Goodwin et al. 2001 [40]

Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute at Mount Sinai Hospital, University of Toronto. Also participated: Hamilton Regional Cancer Center, Hamilton, Ontario; Ottawa Regional Cancer Center, Ottawa Ontario; Cancer Care, Manitoba, Winnipeg; Tom Baker Cancer Center, Calgary, Alberta; British Columbia Cancer Agency, Vancouver; Cross Cancer Institute, Edmonton, Alberta


235 women with metastatic breast cancer, expected to survive at least 3 months (intervention group, 158 women; control group, 77 women)

Examination of the effect of a psychological intervention on breast cancer survival